Posted in Devotional, Dreams, SpireGirl

You’re Beautiful

You’re beautiful.

Don’t believe me? Simply read this article for affirmations just for you:

1. God has called you by name and has created you for a purpose-


2. The way that you live out your faith makes you more precious than anything else-

3. You were created in God’s image, meaning that you are just as creative as He is-

4. No matter how old you are, you will always make a difference to the people around you-

5. Because you love God, you are beautiful inside and out!

6. Because of your faith, people will single you out of the crowd because of your beautiful nature.

7. One day, you will be rewarded for your diligence and love.

I hope you have enjoyed SpireGirl 2018, and I pray that you will be even more blessed by what us girls post regularly 😊

Posted in Devotional, Dreams, SpireGirl, Writing

How to Cultivate Your Dreams into Passions

Dreams. We all have them. It would be strange if we didn’t have them.

As Livy Lynn Jarmusch once said,

My Childhood dreams were given to me for a purpose

-Livy Lynn Jarmusch

But if we don’t put our dreams into action, not only will they just be dreams, but they won’t become burning passions that define us.

So how do we cultivate our dreams into passions?

1. Pray

A friend once told me, “The more you pray about something, the more passionate you are about it.”

As you hear about things, it’s important that if it catches your attention, then you should pray about it. Ask God what you should do or how you can use your gifts to serve Him. And read the Bible. God can use the stories of encouragement to speak to us.

For instance, I dream about using my gifts to encourage girls, and God keeps highlighting the stories of Ruth, Esther and Dorcas for me to read as encouragement.

2. Research

Looking into what you love is so important when you are cultivating your dreams.

Go on websites like The Rebelution where there are so many inspiring stories and information about situations around the world. Or read the news, where you could hear about a topic that you’re interested in.

If you’re a student like me, you can think of your favourite subjects, and research into those subjects outside of the classroom.

For me, I love missions, so I read many missions websites. I also love music and books, so I follow many authors and musicians on social media.

Whatever you think is your dream, research and explore as much as you can.

3. Experiment

Every dream has to start off somewhere.

One of my dreams is to run a website encouraging Christian girls to pursue their dreams. But I’m currently not working and would like a bought domain. So after some prayer, I’ve decided to create a blogging event called SpireGirl in the meantime. And actually, I really like this idea. I think I will host this event every year.

I’ve always wanted a business, and I’ve tried selling crafts before, but it wasn’t that successful. But that’s ok. I can try another business idea.

Do you see what I mean by experimenting with your gifts and passions? Don’t be afraid to make a mistake as you will learn from them, and don’t forget to pray!

4. Journal

Journalling your dreams is so important as you can look back on what you’ve explored and experienced. It’s also a great record of seeing how your dreams were achieved. And of course, don’t forget to pray.

Two years ago, when I was dreaming of going on a mission trip, I prayed and God gave me an image of little girls smiling. I went on my first mission trip last week, and guess who wanted to spend time with me? Smiling little girls.

I probably wouldn’t have remembered if I hadn’t journaled and prayed about it.

So get a journal, pray, and list all of the dreams that you want to achieve, and God will speak to you. Those dreams will become achieved passions.

How about you?

How are you getting on with your dreams?

Posted in Author Interview, Author Spotlight, Devotional, Writing, Writing Wednesday

Chosen For Such A Time As This Author Q&A

Eek! It’s August! And what better way to start than with an author interview with Jheralynne Foster on her new book!

1. When did you start writing with the hope of becoming an author?

I knew I wanted to become an author when I was in elementary school! That’s when I started writing short stories, poetry and scripts.

2. What is Chosen for Such a Time as This about?

Chosen is a non-fiction, devotional style book written to encourage women of all ages to trust God’s timing, no matter where you find yourself in this season. Chosen is my personal story where I share the lessons I’ve learned and how God has transformed my life.

3. What inspired Chosen for Such a Time as This?

God has taught me so much over the past few years and He placed it on my heart to share my story with other women. The title comes from the belief that there is purpose and beauty in each season.

4. Who is the book for?

Chosen is for women and girls who need hope, understanding and wisdom regardless of where they are in life or what their experiences have been. It is for those who need a fresh perspective or encouragement in their daily walk with Christ. It also addresses many of the issues Christian singles are faced with, and provides practical ways to overcome them!

5. What do you want readers to gain from your book?

I want every reader to know that she is created in God’s image and He has a unique plan for her life. My prayer is that readers will have a better understanding of their worth in Christ, His character and how to trust God and live for Him in today’s world.

6. Have you written any other books and where can we get them?

I am currently writing my second book, which is a 90-day devotional. It will be published this December, so stay tuned! 🙂

7. What kind of books do you enjoy reading?

I enjoy reading books that encourage me to grow. I also enjoy reading relatable fiction books!

8. Where can we connect with you?

I blog at! I also recently created Instagram and Twitter accounts. You can follow me @styledandgraced

9. What tips do you have for young aspiring writers?

I believe the gift of writing and the desire to write come from God. We were made in His image and He is the ultimate creator, which is why He gives us creative ideas and talents. If you’re a young aspiring writer, I encourage you to write every single day, even if it is journaling. Ask God for direction in how He wants to use you and be intentional about developing your craft! Be confident in who God has called you to be and don’t allow discouragement or fear to keep you from pursuing purpose!

Thank you so much Jehralynne! Be sure to go and check out her book!

Posted in Devotional, Uncategorized

Using Your Talents

Hello everyone!

It’s Christmas, the season of giving and everybody’s out shopping finding presents for each and preparing for the big day.

But today, I’m thinking of a different kind of gift; a gift that God gave to us from birth that we can use again and again.

And from the title of this blog post, you already know that this gift isn’t Jesus, although He is the greatest gift God ever gave us.

I’m talking about talents. We’re all good at something. Sometimes, we enjoy developing our talents. Other times, we don’t.

But what are talents supposed to be used for? Are they meant to be used for our gain?

When we look at the Bible, it clearly shows us that this is not the case. And while the storied show us that people benefit from their gifts, their initial use of them is to BLESS OTHERS.

Here are a few exampled of what I’m talking about.

David was a good soldier, and he won many battles as well as getting rewarded greatly with riches and popularity.

Tabitha, a.k.a Dorcas, was a good seamstress, and happily made clothes for the poor and needy around her. Then when she died, many people came to mourn for her loss and displayed all of the work that she had done. But by God’s grace, she was raised back to life again when Peter prayed over her.

When you give, you are always going to be blessed in return, even if it isn’t immediate.

But what if we don’t enjoy practising our piano every day? The teacher is really annoying. What if we don’t enjoy going to sports practice? We lose at every match anyway.

Here’s a Bible verse that might help you:

Cool huh? Because God gave us the gifts, we should do our work unto Him FIRST. Then we can start seeing the joy and rewards coming out afterwards.

When I read this verse, I thought of all of the talents that God had given me, and how I don’t use them all. But God has given me these abilities. It seems ungrateful of me not to use them.

I think that’s what Jesus was trying to say when He told the story of the Three servants and their Talents , Matthew 25:14-30. Two of the servants went and invested in the talents which their master had given them, and got double what they had started off with. But the third servant who only had one, just buried the talent and did nothing. This angered the master greatly and he punished that servant and rewarded the others.

No matter how many gifts we get, do them to the best of your ability and unto God. THEN you’ll start to see those blessings.

Here’s an example:

My friend’s dad is a software engineer. But he also is a very goo musician, so he gets paid to do gigs and performances, even though his main job and strength is software engineering. Now, people are enjoying his playing, and he is getting extra pay from a hobby!

Isn’t that awesome?

How about you?

What are your talents, and how can you use them to bless others and honour God?



Posted in Devotional, Uncategorized

Devotional: Don’t Give up

Writings from a God Girl- DOn't Give Up


Hello everyone!

If you are a writer, you may know that NaNoWriMo is under way.

For those of you who don’t know, NaNoWriMo is a 30 day  writing challenge in November, with the “camps” in April and July, where you draft a novel or a play, or a collection( you get the idea).

Why am I mentioning this? Because this challenge requires A LOT of determination.

And it isn’t easy to stay motivated for this challenge, or anything that is a stretch for us.

SO how do we keep strong in a challenge?

Prayer. Support and most importantly God’s Word.

God’s Word is the go-to place for ANYTHING, and as Christians, we have the advantage to access His Word.

There are many Bible verses to do with determination and what to do if you feel unsettled , but here are just a few of them:

Philippians 4v6-7

Philippians 4v13

Proverbs 3 v5-6

Meditate on these Scriptures, and pray using them.

So we’ve looked at Prayer and God’s Word, but what about Support?

When I was doing camo NaNoWriMo in July, my family and my friends were really supportive of me, and they’ve supported me for all of the challenges that I’ve taken or the ones hard ones that I’ve been through.

What do you think?

How do you keep being determined to do something?

DO you have Bible verses to go to?

Who do you have for support?

