Posted in Author Interview, Writing, Writing Wednesday

The Wedding Blog Tour- Author Q&A

Hello everyone

I’m so stoked that I was able to interview Livy as she celebrates the release for the third and final(sobs) book of the Tarsurella Trilogy.

This is the last book in the Tales of Tarsurella Trilogy- how did you feel when you were writing it?

The Wedding was actually a really fast writing process for me. The entire story spilled out in just a few short months. I was so excited to get to this chapter of Addison and Vanessa’s story, so I think it all came together very naturally!

What does your writing process usually look like, and do you change it around for each book/series?

Yes, my writing process definitely changes with each new project! For The Coronation, I 100% didn’t know what I was doing! Haha! I hadn’t done any pre-plotting, so I really just went wherever the story took me. It was all fun and games until I reached the dramatic climax – and had no idea where to go next!

After writing The Coronation, I wanted to learn more about plot and structure. I quickly realized there are a lot of “rules”, “do’s and don’ts” and I had already broken so many of them in my debut! I decided that if I was going to be a rebel, I at least needed to be an educated rebel. I once heard someone say, “Learn the rules, so you can break them.” When you take time to study the “why” behind plot and structure, why our brains gravitate toward it, what makes a good story, etc, you can decide what “rules” you’d like to apply to your writing, and what to throw out.  For me, I know my writing will always contain a certain element of “pantsing” (AKA, flying by the seat of your pants!) but I’ve also learned the value of having a moral premise and creating structure before you dive in and write a bunch of words. 

So I plotted both The Rebellion and The Wedding before writing them. Yet, I still left enough wiggle room for characters to lead and hijack a scene, if they so desired. 

What do I mean by that? 

I mean, I never want to force a character to do something that isn’t natural for them. I might have a good, solid plan in mind, but when my character decides to do something off script, because that’s truly the most organic, true-to-self thing they would do in that moment…I have to get them go with it! Personally, I love when this happens, because it keeps writing exciting, and it keeps me, as an author, on my toes! I think I would be bored if I knew every last detail about my story, before it happened.  

You’ve also written nonfiction books- was the process very different, and which genre do you prefer writing in?

Yes, so my first book was When Life Feels Like a Taylor Swift Song: A Girls Guide to Boys, followed by Beauty Boys and Ball Gowns, and Secrets of Royalty. All three of these titles were written when I started my online ministry, Crown of Beauty Magazine. I loved writing encouraging articles and posting on social media, but I felt like there was so much more that I wanted to share: more than what would fit in a blog post! So each of these titles really came from a place of just desiring to minister and encourage that audience of girls who was following Crown of Beauty. 

I never really planned on publishing The Coronation, or becoming fully immersed in this wild world of fiction! But God has a funny way of switching up our plans, and He’s always so faithful to direct our steps, so five YA titles later, here we are! I absolutely love writing what I am right now, but my heart is still very open to returning to non-fiction. I’m sure I’ll publish more non-fiction in the future, but it has to be in God’s perfect timing.   

I know that as a reader, it’s really hard waiting for new books to come out. Do you have any tips for authors on ‘entertaining the reader’ in between books?

Oh, this is a good question! After publishing The Coronation, I asked myself that exact question! “How do I keep my audience engaged and excited, while they wait for the next book in the series?” 

I decided to release small “episodes” on a weekly basis. Every Friday, I shared a new installment of “Regal Hearts”. I thought it would be fun to write and release it in a “TV show format”, and encouraged readers that it would feel a lot like watching a new episode of their favorite show each weekend! 

Well, that snowballed into ten “episodes”, which turned into the Regal Hearts Season 1 Bundle, a book in paperback! Now we’ve published Season 2…and readers are asking for Season 3! Soooo, just a word to the wise, if you decide to do a “side project” to keep your readers engaged, it may become far more consuming than you intended! Haha. 

I think it can be tempting for authors to feel like we “owe” our following more content. We live in such a consuming, driven, binge-watching generation, it can be easy to slip into a mindset of entitlement. I know that after I finish watching my favorite TV show or movie, I always say, “I want more! I NEED more! I can’t wait, give it to me now!” 

And when you think about it, that’s not very healthy. 

So I think as authors, it can actually be a good thing when we ask readers to wait (uh oh, don’t throw your tomatoes at me yet!) because waiting makes the fulfillment of that thing we’ve been waiting for, so much sweeter and more special.     

If you cranked out a new book for your readers every month (which um, that’s amazing if you do, I need to learn your secrets!) I get the feeling that STILL wouldn’t be enough. It’s wonderful that readers always want more, because it means you’re writing something that’s touching them in a really personal way! So if you have this problem, it’s a great problem to have. 

But I think it’s just important to remember that you can totally take breaks, and you don’t need to be cranking out content 24-7. Also, there are other ways to engage with your readers during the “lul” times, especially on social media!   

I for one have a blast chit-chatting with readers on Instagram (@livylynglittergirl) and posting weekly vlogs on my YouTube channel! My content isn’t always writing relating, it more so just giving readers a peek into my real, everyday life. But I feel like it’s still a valid way to connect while they’re eagerly awaiting the next installment. 

What can we do as readers to support you and other authors in any stage of your writing career?

Wow, another awesome question!

So, there are a few things. Number one: leave your reviews! I’m sure readers get tired of hearing this, but reviews are actually really meaningful to authors, for several reasons. First of all, it reminds us that people are actually reading our books. (Sometimes we forget! Hearing from a reader, even if it’s just in an email or via Instagram, absolutely MAKES our days!) Secondly, you don’t have to write a massive school-report including all the pros and cons, when you share on Goodreads and Amazon. I know sometimes, the idea of writing a “Review” can sounds super scary and overwhelming. But just a simple, “I enjoyed this!” totally counts as a review!

Lastly, YOUR reviews help other readers find our book. And this is why we value them so much. It doesn’t matter whether the review is a glowing 5 stars, or a simple, “Eh, it was okay”…your honest review shows both the digital algorithms on Goodreads and Amazon AND people in real life, that our book exists! And that alone is huge.  

The most powerful marketing for an author, is word of mouth. Meaning, we could spend hundreds of dollars on Ads, marketing, doing interviews, running a Blog Tour, etc, etc…but all of those efforts pale in comparison to one hearty fangirl raving over a title to her best friends! (Never underestimate the power of a fangirl!) My favorite thing about word of mouth, is it helps readers discover books offline as well.  

Those who request The Coronation at their local library, pass the book off to a friend at church, or post about the title on Facebook, ARE GROWING THE TARSURELLIAN ARMY! So a huge thank you and ten-billion high-fives to all of you who are out there spreading the word! ❤   

There are a lot of pressures that authors face. Do you have any in particular that you struggle with, and how do you cope with them?

I think every pressure all roots back to one thing: it’s a mental battle. If we’re feeling pressure from anyone, whether it’s the pressure to perform, the pressure to write better, the pressure to publish more, the pressure to sell more books; whatever it may be, we have to remember that it’s our choice whether or not we give into it. 

For me personally, I didn’t start writing so I could win the approval of others. I didn’t set out on a mission of trying to read a certain “level”, or perform in a manner that would cause people to be impressed. 

As a child of God, everything I do is out of relationship with Him. When I write, I want it to be for the right reasons, simply enjoying the process of creativity I have with Him. Of course I want to be excellent at what I do, and I want to grow, and get better, and reach more people, and impact lives: but at the end of the day, that’s not what it’s about. 

My identity doesn’t come from my writing, and I think that’s a HUGE factor that has helped me avoid some of the “pitfalls”, so to speak, that a lot of authors struggle with. 

I’ve seen so many writers get down on themselves, or get discouraged because of bad reviews, lack of sales, rude “fan” interactions, or whatever it may be…but when we slip into a place of discouragement, mentally, it’s because our focus is no longer in the right place.   

Personally, I hold my “writing career” very VERY loosely. When I was younger, I did struggle with feeling the need or pressure to “perform”, to reach a certain pinnacle of success and “prove” that I was worthy of my title. But God has been SO faithful to draw me out of that place, to bring me into the Palace of His Love and say, “No, no, no that’s not who you are, Livy. You’re seated in heavenly places with Me. You have such high calling and destiny, as My Daughter! Your identity is not in what you write or what you accomplish on this earth, it’s in the fact that you’re Mine!”  

Over the years, God has helped me shift my mindset to align more and more with His. And no, I haven’t arrived yet! I’m still growing, everyday! But I feel like a lot of the struggles authors deal with are 100% mental, and if we’re willing to go on this journey with God and let Him deal with our heart issues, He will bring us into a place of such joy, where these things aren’t even an issue anymore. 

Do you have any tips for aspiring fiction and nonfiction authors? 

Absolutely! And just to keep things simple, here are 5 things to keep in mind. 🙂

1. Start Everyday with Jesus! (He is your source, don’t try to write without him.)

2. Turn Off Your Inner Critic! (Don’t self-edit while you’re writing. Reject all negativity and critique, or else it will totally kill your first draft. Editing comes later.)

3. Know Your Characters! (Get to know your characters as deeply as you can. Interviewing them is always fun, as you learn more and more about who they truly are. Let this shift and change your story.)

4. Work With a Team! (Don’t go on this writing journey alone. Get connected with a writing community. Whether you’re doing fiction or non-fiction, connect with friends who can critique your writing, offer feedback, and encourage you!)

5. Have FUN! (Writing, publishing, and marketing, can all feel like a bit of an uphill battle. But if you lose your joy, and are just pressing through and have no idea why you’re so frustrated, it might be a good idea to stop, release the pressure, and return to a place of joy  and simplicity with Jesus! If you need to take a break, work on a different project entierly, and write just purely for FUN, do it!)  

Thank you so much for being here today , Livy.

If you want to know more about The Wedding, and how to connect with Livy, keep reading.

Vanessa Bennett is living in a real-life fairytale. Now that she’s engaged to the man of her dreams, The Palace Staff is consumed with wedding preparation. The upcoming event is no small affair, as Vanessa is bombarded with hundreds of decisions she needs to make before the wedding date arrives. Amidst the endless details concerning dresses, decorations and napkins, a greater question looms: is Vanessa truly ready to become Queen? As tensions rise within Tarsurella, the role of joining her betrothed in governing an ever-shifting nation is no small task. Will she crack under the pressure?Meanwhile, Jane Akerly is hoping to awaken from a nightmare. Her father has been missing for months. Advised to accept the harsh reality that he may never return, Jane isn’t ready to give up. She finds comfort in the one place she’s always run to for escape–her daydreams. Her imagination has the power to carry her across the ocean, stroll the streets of London, and imagine that all is well. In an unexpected turn of events, Jane is given the opportunity to create the future of her dreams–but will her pen be enough to save her? The Wedding is Book #3 in The Tales of Tarsurella Series

Amazon Goodreads

Livy Jarmusch 

YA Christian Fiction Author of The Tales of Tarsurella and Regal Hearts

Website. Facebook. Instagram. Twitter. Pinterest. Good Reads.

email updates 

Posted in Author Spotlight, Blogging, Writing

Wedding Score Blog Tour- Guest Post by Amanda Tero

Hello everyone!

I’m so excited that Amanda is back, celebrating her new book, Wedding Score

Thank you, Medomfo, for allowing me to visit your blog! You asked me to share a little about how singleness and life in general affects my writing. That definitely gives me a lot to think through, and I hope I can share it in an understandable fashion!


My family likes to tease that “Wedding Score” is myautobiography. It’s not… kind of. I do have a lot of me within the pages though. For instance, I’m a musician (though I have only played for about a dozen weddings, not over a hundred, like Stephanie) as well as an upper-twenties single. I have had several close friends go through dating, engagement, and marriage, and have experienced the shifting relationships with all of those. 


I think I can safely say that every author’s life experiences directly influences their writing. Some of the ways that my life has shaped my writing is in what I write. Personally, it’s nothealthy for me to write a lot of romances, where I can live out daydreams in stories because I can’t live them in reality. Instead, I want my writing to not just focus my readers’ hearts on Christ; I need it to help me put my own focus where it needs to be.


My writing-time throughout the past few years has shifted drastically. In actuality, writing is more of my side-hobby, as I teach piano and violin part-time, attend college full-time, and tutor English part-time. In my experience, I have found the absolute worst thing singles can do is live for themselves. There is that fine balance between drowning out your discontentment with busyness and being busy because you’re serving the Lord (and yes, I have been in both places before). Personally, I have received such a blessing in the times that I have invested in others’ lives—whether it is through teaching or writing.


Each year, I just have to give my writing over to the Lord. It is something I’m very passionate about, yet He has also led me to do more than just write. It never ceases to amaze me how He will allow me to write something in His perfect timing. “Wedding Score,” for instance. I’ve had the idea simmering since 2016, but God definitely wanted me to grow through the years 2017, 2018, and most of 2019 before writing this story. The things I experienced as four of my siblings and multiple cousins married have been powerful lessons that have shaped my life and also made “Wedding Score” much more impactful. There are some raw moments in Stephanie’s lives, just like there are raw moments in our own lives. But, by the grace of God, I was able to write all of those difficult scenes with such a great peace and contentment because of what He has done in my life. If I had married before writing this book, I could have thought back to my single years, but it’s not the same as writing it as a single. So, though I still would love to have been married by now, I really am grateful to be in this season of life because I am seeing how God is using it far greater than I imagined.


For all of the singles out there reading this, God has a beautiful plan and purpose for your lives. It may not be exactly what you have planned out, but if you surrender to Him and live for Him, He can make such a beautiful testimony out of your life! It will not be easy, but it will be worth it!

Thank you so much Amanda for being on the blog today!

If you want to learn more about the Wedding Score, simply continue reading 💖

Most girls dream of their wedding days. Except me. I’m too busy practicing piano and being the live soundtrack for everyone else’s weddings to think about my own. 

I’ve survived most of my twenties with harmonious chords and pleasant days. So why is it that now, at twenty-seven, a discordant feeling presents itself? 

Is there a solid solution to loneliness when there is absolutely no potential husband on the horizon?


 | Amazon | Barnes&Noble | Kobo | Signed paperback 

About Amanda


Amanda Tero began her love for words at a young age—reading anything she could get her hands on and penning short stories as young as age eight. Since graduation, she has honed her writing skills by dedicated practice and study of the writing craft. She began her journey of publication with a few short stories that she had written for her sisters and continued to add to her collection with other short stories, novellas, and novels. It is her utmost desire to write that which not only pleases her Lord and Savior, but also draws the reader into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

Connect with Amanda

Website | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Blog | Goodreads | Amazon

Posted in Author Spotlight, Book Reviews, Writing

100 Days of Sunlight Book review

Hello everyone!

As promised, I’m so happy to do a book review for 100 Days of Sunlight. Before you read it, just admire the amazing cover, which Abbie designed! (I’ll insert some pictures of Abbie with her book baby in the review)

Note: I received this book free in exchange for an honest review. It didn’t have to be positive, but I adored it, so it will be seriously bubbly and happy 😊

About the book:

When 16-year-old poetry blogger Tessa Dickinson is involved in a car accident and loses her eyesight for 100 days, she feels like her whole world has been turned upside-down. 

Terrified that her vision might never return, Tessa feels like she has nothing left to be happy about. But when her grandparents place an ad in the local newspaper looking for a typist to help Tessa continue writing and blogging, an unlikely answer knocks at their door: Weston Ludovico, a boy her age with bright eyes, an optimistic smile…and no legs.

Knowing how angry and afraid Tessa is feeling, Weston thinks he can help her. But he has one condition — no one can tell Tessa about his disability. And because she can’t see him, she treats him with contempt: screaming at him to get out of her house and never come back. But for Weston, it’s the most amazing feeling: to be treated like a normal person, not just a sob story. So he comes back. Again and again and again.

Tessa spurns Weston’s “obnoxious optimism”, convinced that he has no idea what she’s going through. But Weston knows exactly how she feels and reaches into her darkness to show her that there is more than one way to experience the world. As Tessa grows closer to Weston, she finds it harder and harder to imagine life without him — and Weston can’t imagine life without her. But he still hasn’t told her the truth, and when Tessa’s sight returns he’ll have to make the hardest decision of his life: vanish from Tessa’s world…or overcome his fear of being seen.

100 Days of Sunlight is a poignant and heartfelt novel by author Abbie Emmons. If you like sweet contemporary romance and strong family themes then you’ll love this touching story of hope, healing, and getting back up when life knocks you down.

My review : 4 stars

Oh. My. Goodness! The themes! The characters! The hope! A lot of books that I read are great, but they’re only for entertainment. This book wasn’t written for entertainment . It was written as a powerful source of encouragement that everyone needs to read. It was written to push you when you want to give up.

Weston was so inspiring. And awesome boyfriend material( guys, take note) Lots of people wanted him to take it easy because of his disability, but he didn’t let them. And he didn’t let Tessa either.

Oh, and Tessa was a blogger? And all of the bloggers say amen! I think it was because she was a blogger that I really connected with her, and cried when she was suffering. I loved seeing her change as she recovered, becoming more beautiful as time went on.

And I cannot write this review without mentioning her grandparents. How sweet were they? Even though Tessa didn’t exactly believe what they believed, they didn’t shy away from praying with her in the night and reading Scriptures to her. And when she was initially rude to them like she was to Weston, they just persevered with love and kindness. The best part? Tessa adored them!

All and all, this book was such a joy to read. Of course, there were some things that I didn’t like( such as the odd s-Word used by Weston, or that Tessa’s mum wasn’t around, which was kinda sad) but they were only a few things.

My verdict? But this book, and read it if you need to be encouraged to push out of the struggles. Abbie, you’re amazing. Thank you for sharing hope with the world through this book. We love you!

P. S. I demand that this book is made into a movie. Hollywood needs some new ideas, so why not turn this book into a movie?

Posted in Author Interview, Author Spotlight, Writing, Writing Wednesday

100 Days of Sunlight Blog Tour- Author Q&A

Hello everyone!

Ok, I need to scream.

100 Days of Sunlight has released today!!!!

I’m so excited, that as well as interviewing the amazing Abbie Emmons about her book today, I’m doing a book review on 100 Days of Sunlight tomorrow 😍😍😍

So, before I go nuts, let’s get on with the interview.

1. When did you start writing with the hope of becoming an author?

I fell in love with stories when I was growing up. My mom would read tons of books with me and my

sister, and English was my favorite subject in school because of all the reading I had to do. I think that’s

what first inspired me to become a writer – I was amazed by the way stories can transport you to

another world and make you feel. It struck me as being pretty darn magical, and I immediately wanted to

write stories of my own.

However, I didn’t know writing would be my career until about five years ago. I went through a lot of

growing and exploring in my teenage years and finally realized that I kept coming back to writing

because I have an undying passion for it. 

2. What is 100 Days of Sunlight about?

Here’s the story in a nutshell: 

When 16-year-old poetry blogger Tessa Dickinson temporarily loses her eyesight in a car accident, the

only person who can help her is Weston: an optimistic boy who, unknown to Tessa, is missing both legs

. Knowing how angry and afraid Tessa is feeling, Weston helps her by reaching into her darkness and

showing her that there is more than one way to see the beauty in the world. But when Tessa’s sight

returns, will Weston be able to overcome his own fear of being seen?

3. What inspired 100 Days of Sunlight?

100 Days of Sunlight is a story that I feel has always been in my heart, I just didn’t know it until April

2017. It came to me quite literally like a lightbulb turning on. I immediately fell in love with the idea

— two characters experiencing loss, recovery, and hope; two characters connecting to help each

other heal in ways they wouldn’t have been able to alone. I knew it would be a love story, but not

just about romantic love — it would be about the love between brothers, and grandparents, and

friends. The story captured my heart before I even knew how it would end. I knew right from the

start that this novel would be my debut — I love the characters in this story and what they stand for.

4. Who is the book for?

The people who need some sunshine and encouragement. The people who need to feel hopeful, seen,

worthy, loved, priceless. The people who need a reminder that there’s nothing they can’t do – and when

life knocks you down, get up. Always, always get up. 

5. What do you want readers to gain from your book?

I want them to feel hopeful and encouraged. My goal with every story I write is to shine a light in the

dark places, put a smile on someone’s face, and give them a new sense of love and joy for life.

6. Have you written any other books and where can we get them?

I have several books in different stages of doneness, but this is my first and only published novel

(so far!) Definitely stay tuned, because I have a lot more where 100 Days came from. 😉

7. What kind of books do you enjoy reading?

Sweet contemporary romances with strong family and friendship themes and a meaningful theme!

Which is, predictably, what I also love writing. 

8. I’m aware that you’re a Christian, and while 100 Days of Sunlight is more a mainstream book,

it’s packed with so much truth. How do you incorporate truth and hope into your writing, making

it accessible for anyone?

I believe that a good and beautiful creation should be accessible to everyone, regardless of religious

differences. That’s why it’s so important to me to write stories anyone can read and get something out


I think one of the keys to doing this is letting your characters believe what they believe. In 100 Days of

Sunlight, all the characters have different beliefs and faiths – some have none at all. I try to make my

books true to life and be the observer of my characters instead of editorializing them to push a certain

message. Instead, I weave truths into my characters’ realizations and let them express their own beliefs

and personalities without mine getting in the way. 

9. What books do you recommend for Christian writers, who want to share truth and hope to the

public, but not explicitly, and do you have any tips for them? 

My favorite books on writing are Wired For Story and Story Genius both by Lisa Cron. Although these

books aren’t specifically about theme, they cover a lot of important points about telling a story that will

compel a reader. I think that’s definitely step one to having any sort of impact on your reader – the story

has to engage them. 

My favorite line in Story Genius goes something like this: “The only way to change how someone thinks

about something, is to first change how someone feels about something.” Truer words have never been

written about story. This is the power of storytelling: if we can change the way someone feels about

something, we can introduce them to a wondrous truth about themselves – and maybe even change

their life. 

10. Where can we connect with you?

The best way to connect with me is via my blog and/or YouTube channel. I’m also on Instagram

and Facebook

11. What tips do you have for young aspiring writers?

Story isn’t about what happens. It’s about how what happens affects and transforms the characters

. < If anyone out there follows my YouTube channel, they’ve probably heard me say this a lot. In

my opinion, it is the golden rule of writing. When you make everything in your story matter to your

characters (given their motivations and fears) you can truly engage your reader and leave them

thinking long after they turn the final page of your story. Secondly, you always have to remember

why your story matters to you. Remembering your “why” will keep your passion alive through the

toughest days and lead you to those gloriously satisfying words: the end. 

Thank you so much for having me on your lovely blog today, Medomfo! It was a pleasure to talk

with you about all things writing. 🙂

Thank you so much Abbie! And a huge congratulations for your debut novel’s release.

If you want to get to know more about Abbie, simply read on:

ABBIE EMMONS has been writing stories ever since she could hold a pencil. What started out as an intrinsic love for storytelling has turned into her lifelong passion. There’s nothing Abbie likes better than writing (and reading) stories that are both heartrending and humorous, with a touch of cute romance and a poignant streak of truth running through them. Abbie is also a YouTuber, singer/songwriter, blogger, traveler, filmmaker, big dreamer, and professional waffle-eater. When she’s not writing or dreaming up new stories, you can find her road-tripping to national parks or binge-watching BBC Masterpiece dramas in her cozy Vermont home with a cup of tea and her fluffy white lap dog, Pearl. 

If you want to see Abbie in her element (ranting about stories) just type her name into YouTube and search

Buy 100 Days of Sunlight

Add 100 Days of Sunlight on Goodreads


Author website




Stay tuned tomorrow for my review 😊

Posted in Author Spotlight, Book Reviews, Fun, Writing

The Wedding cover reveal

Hello everyone!

I’m super excited to share some exciting news: my friend Livy Lynn Jarmusch is releasing the third book in her trilogy, The Tales of Tarsurella , The Wedding!

If you haven’t read The Coronation or The Rebellion yet, definitely check them out, and also my reviews on those two last year.

So without further ado…

Isn’t it gorgeous? I love how Livy portrays faith, truth and hope in such a cute way. And the Royal Family of Tarsurella are purely awesome. I can’t wait to see what they get up to as the eldest son King Addison marries the amazing Vanessa Bennett.

Here’s a little snippet of what’s going to be in store:

Posted in Author Spotlight, Fun, Writing

Surprise Party for Kellyn Roth!

Hello everyone!

This is a special surprise for Kellyn Roth, which is a token of thanks from some of your blogger friends, organised by the awesome Angela R Watts. Kellyn, I thank God for the amazing work you’ve done in the writing community, and I’m so thankful that you’re in my life. You’re a blessing, and an amazing gal, so you deserve every bit of thanks and more 💖

Enjoy the post, Kellyn!!!

Dear Kelly,

    Sometimes I will start a sentence and I don’t even know where it’s going. But you finish those sentences. You, my beautiful friend, are the Dwight to my Michael. (Only you’re prettier. And we’re women.) No matter the weather, you’re there for it all, and I thank you. Thank you for our talks about Jesus. Thanks for the rants and rambles about fiction and life and everything in between. Thank you for the laughs. Thank you for your support.

    I could give a pretty long list of why you’re awesome but I’ll list 3 reasons. 1.) You’re God’s kiddo. 2.) You’re my friend. 3.) You’re a redhead. Just kidding, that’s not reason 3. Reason 3 is because you promised me Harrington. Haha.

    I love you, girl. God’s with you through it all and I’m honored to be a part of your life.


    Angie Watts


    You’re the first indie teen I read a book by, you made me realize I could write. I remember reading the last page of The Dressmaker’s Secret and swiping to your bio . . . I was shocked when I saw that a girl my age had written it, yeah, I still haven’t finished writing a book but I will. Thanks for the encouragement and support as well as the late night sprints!

    I’ve been scarce since I left The Young Writer’s Workshop and we haven’t talked much but your blog posts are as good as ever if not better. Yeah, I’m totally writing this too late . . . I still hope you like the letter, night!



    Dear Kellyn,

    Surprise! It has been a while since you have heard from me. This time I am the one writing you a letter (Shiv says hi to Jordy!).  I have always admired your writing and your determination. Your characters are always so real!



    Hey Kell,

    I remember first meeting you on the Young Writers Workshop. You’ve definitely come a way since then. I know it’s hard being an indie author in your genre, but keep fighting, okay? You rock, and I know I’ll be seeing you around on the web.



Dear Kell,

“Yes, I know Kellyn Roth.” This is the first sentence I remember hearing about you years ago, by one author to another. When you later joined The Chatter Box, I was blessed to begin that getting-to-know-you process for myself. I’d love to share three ways knowing you has blessed me. 

You’re dedicated. In every area of life I’ve seen—writing, editing, publishing, your walk with God, business, and more—you don’t just get ideas, you act on them, and when you have a goal, you pursue it. What an inspiring example. 

You’re positive. Wow. Your joyful attitude is such a blessing. In every circumstance, you give thanks – and in so doing, you accomplish God’s will for your life (1 Thess. 5:18). 

You’re humble. You’re honest about your weak points (no need to hide you’re human!) without being self-deprecating. You’re willing to learn and not afraid to ask questions! And so you’re able to receive God’s grace. 

There’s much more, but these are just a few areas where I see Christ especially strongly in you. Keep seeking first God’s kingdom, and I promise (God promises!) all other things shall be added for you. And today I’m so blessed to be able to say for myself, “I know Kellyn Roth.”

Blessings to you!

Erika Mathews 

Hiya Kell!
If I were to play a game of describing every fellow artist I know, the first word that’d come to mind for you would be “inspiring.” Because it’s true. Ever since we came across each other on the YWP NaNoWriMo forums, and then later online (which was, truly, a miracle in itself!), you’ve been such an amazing inspiration to me. And no doubt many of the other young writers you know feel the same way. True thought is in every blog post, every beautiful story you write for us and for God. You’re a part that can never be replaced in our community. 🙂

 Wishing you the best in every blessing,

 ~ Merie

Dear Kell,

Keep blogging and writing books! They’re encouraging and inspiring to so many people in the blogosphere and indie author world around you!! I love reading your posts with your perspective on different topics… they always make me think! (I also love reading your ranty reviews on Goodreads! 😝) I think you were one of the people who inspired me to start writing my own books. Before 2018, I had no idea teen girls around my age even wrote books!! It’s pretty fun. Anyway, never forget the gifts God has given you. 


Dear Kellyn,

I don’t have much to say except thank you. Thanks for being a homeschooled, historical fiction indie author friend. I love reading your books, yes, but I value your friendship and helpful blog posts even more. Keep growing in the Lord!


Hanna Kraft


We don’t know each other well, but I just wanted to give you a shout-out for your amazing cover design! You’re an inspiration to indie authors and freelance cover designers alike!

~Kaitlyn Krispense

Dear Kell,


I hope you know that I love you SO much. Like CRAZY much. Even though sometimes I don’t see you for long long stretches of time, you’re one of my bestest buddies and I appreciate you for all that you do.

You’re a seriously inspiring person⁠⁠—competent, organized, and wicked creative. I don’t know how you get everything done that you do (writing buttloads of awesome books, running multiple blogs and social media accounts, running A LEGIT BUSINESS, TEACHING CLASSES, having ANOTHER JOB on the side, AND MORE?!?!??), but my current theory is it’s some sort of blood magic.

Thank you for being you, for sticking to your values, and for being an awesome friend.

I hope your summer’s going good!!!!!




Dear Kellyn,

I could say a lot of things. I could say thank you for your determination to make it into the publishing world (which you have done, considerably well), that I admire your blog posts and your books and you, that your puppies are ADORABLE, that it’s crazy to think how you’re juggling teaching and a business and writing and another job when the rest of us are still struggling with algebra—- and all of that woulda been true. 

But for today, the person I wanna acknowledge is Kell. Not the author, or teacher, or business professional persay, just Kell the person. Y’know, the one that’s not afraid to speak her mind, or stand up for something she believes in. The one that enjoys a good romance. The one that likes pink but doesn’t consider herself that much of a girly girl (what a weird label anyhow). The one that’s struggling. And going through a lot. And having hard times at times. And hasn’t let life crush her- yet. This turned out surprisingly dark but you know what I’m trying to say. XD Thank you for being you. 

That’s… that’s all I got. 


Hi Kell,

When I first heard about you I thought, wow that is a weird name, then as I got to know you a little bit better(mostly through blog tours and your instagram) I’’ve seen that you are also a really cool person and an interesting writer. My first thought however remains, you have an interesting name.


Hi Kellyn,

You’re pretty amazing, you know that? I watch from afar as you start businesses and publish books and mentor writers — including me. Thanks for helping with my random, frantic indie publishing questions and for being an amazing formatter.

Truly. You were an answer to so many prayers when it came to publishing my first book. 🙂

I know you are a valued member of YWW, and have halped so many young writers more than you think. Keep being such an amazing friend, writer, and ecourager. Thanks for sharing your wisdom with the rest of us.

In Christ,


Dear Kellyn,

You, my adorable friend, are a flash of fireworks in a dark night, a rainbow amongst clouds, and a highlight in my online life!  When I first joined the social media a few years ago, I couldn’t have anticipated all the amazing people I would meet . . . and you were one of them.  I love your hilarious sense of humor (you never fail to make me laugh!) and your down to earth positivity. You are a constant bright spot, no matter where you are shining.  You are strong, funny, quirky, and one of a kind. Thank you for all the thoughtful conversations, all the laughter, and all the gifs. The Thanksgiving / Christmas wars would have certainly never been the same without you!  *wink* Congratulations on the incredible journey you have had so far and best wishes on all that is ahead for you. I’m so proud of the wonderful Christian young woman that you are. May His perfect path be clear to you always!  I praise God for the blessing of Kellyn Roth.

Love, Allison Tebo

Hey Kellyn,

When I first heard that there were Christian fiction authors, I actually found you through Angela Watts and from there; starting following your journey writing and encouraging other writers. I just wanted to thank you for your encouraging words and helping me understand that Christian fiction and historical fiction are more than just “boring.”

Thanks to you, I’ve started taking my own writing seriously and even if that isn’t what I do for a living, I know that I can create a book that speaks to people.

Thank you so much,

Joshua Reid 

Hey Kellyn, 

You, girl, are awesome.  I don’t know how you do it — working, writing A LOT, running a business complete with contractors, and being that epic all at once…when most folks your age are walking with knocking knees to their first college classes or trying to figure out where they’re going in life.  You know that’s right (cue Burton Guster/Dule Hill voice). When I first “met” you, albeit only online, I was amazed to find out that you weren’t even a high school graduate yet, since you seemed so mature and professional.  You’re an inspiration, not only to your readers, but to your community and the online writing community (communities?) as well. Watching you do your thing on the interwebs is always pretty awesome and inspiring — I hope you know how special and influential you are, just by being you, because that’s pretty fantastic.  

Keep the faith and keep being you! 🙂 

Michaela Bush 


We’ve never met, and the most interaction we’ve had is through comments on your blog and social media. But I still remember when I first heard of your existence. 

I was sitting in a choir practices and the lady next to me turned to me. She knew I was an avid reader (book lovers, unite!) and was telling me about the surprisingly good book she had read by a young author that she thought I would love. it was the first Chronicles of Alice and Ivy book, and she was amazed by it. She told she only picked it up because a homeschooler wrote it, and she didn’t even know homeschoolers could write. 

Not knowing I was a homeschool graduate, I sat and listened (trying not to laugh) at her explanations about homeschooling and how you had broken all of the molds she had concocted in her mind about it. 

And that sent me on a quest to discover who this girl was. And I found your books, and I found your blog, and I have been blessed and encouraged by both. 

Kellyn, I love the way you deal with tough issues, and you don’t shy away from them. Your blog has more than once encouraged me when I am struggling. Your books are ones I turn to when I need the comfort of old friends. And, more than that, your writing always point me towards Christ as the ultimate answer, and I have been thankful for it.

Please, continue to share your writing with the world. We need more of what you have to offer the world, more of the beauty you see and capture in the black and white words that you put down onto paper. We need more of your fearlessness to tackle the issues that people tend to ignore, and to bring clarity and light to them. 

Thank you, for being such a fearless, bold writer. 

With Joy,

Kaitlyn S. 

Dear Kell, 

I can’t even quite remember how we first met – it must have been on Goodreads somehow – but it feels like I’ve known you my entire blogging life (which is a mere two years haha) or that our getting to know each other was so slow and easy that the line between not knowing and being friends has been blurred to indistinguishable. (<< wow what a sentence)

Anyhow I’m so incredibly blessed and honored and happy to know you. You inspire me so much. You’re so real – like you don’t put on airs – and so accomplished and almost superhuman at the same time that I just … both look up to you and yet don’t feel like I do? Does that make sense? Maybe not. Moving on …

Some favorite memories :

  • Signing up for review copies of your books for the first time without knowing what they were about (?!) and being skeptical when I saw their premise

  • But being totally sucked in and ridiculously impressed and 100% convinced of your skills

  • You joining us for the journey of TGMSH even though it’s been slacking a lot haha. I’m just so honored to have you on as consultant with all your experience

  • Fighting over Little Women 😑 

  • Your post about why experienced bloggers should be nice to new bloggers

  • Seeing Reveries & Co. grow from scratch (#proud)

  • My dad complimenting you without knowing who you are bc I told him about Reveries & Co. being started by a 17 yo and he was just, wow this girl is so entrepreneurial (that’s the right word, right??)  and I was like 👍

  • Being in the same cabin for two camp nanos

Anyway. Just want to say it’s a pleasure to be your friend and here’s to many more years of knowing each other. May God continue to bless you, dear girl. 



Hey Kellyn! 

I’ll be honest, all I can think of to tell you is this: Just immerse yourself in the Word and pray. 

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 5 Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. 6 Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

  • Philippians 4:4-8

(Here’s a few others too: Proverbs 3:5-6 / Psalm 139:23-24 / 1 Peter 5:6-9)

I’ll be praying for you,

Hannah K

Dear Kellyn,

You were the first ever teen author that I encountered. Before that, I didn’t even realise that people could pursue their writing dreams from a young age. Thank you so much for being such an inspiration to me with your books, your awesome blog posts, and your life in general. God’s going to bless you for everything you’ve done and for everything you will do. 

Keep making people smile!


Medomfo xxx

Dear Kellyn,

It’s been such a joy to work with you and develop a friendship over the time we’ve known each other. You are such a talented and creative young lady and I’m proud to call you friend! May God so richly bless you this year and every coming year. Hugs and happiest of birthdays to you, girlie! Oh, and welcome to the 18 Club.  


Sarah Grace Grzy

Dear Kellyn, 

Even though we have hardly had any interaction with each other, I have really enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your love for Jesus shine through your blog and your writing. I have enjoyed the few times that we have talked. You have also inspired me a lot since you were one the first teen writers I meet when I joined Goodreads 2 years ago. I cannot wait to see how God uses you next in your life. I hope you continue to be bold and blog what God puts on your heart because you are not only an encouragement to those around you but also a great inspiration for others to be bold. 

Thank you for everything that you do and I pray you continue to be a light in this dark world! 

In Christ, 

Abigail Harder

Be sure to give Kellyn some love in the comments💖💖💖

Posted in Author Interview, Author Spotlight, Writing, Writing Wednesday

Writing two povs ‘About the process’ – Guest post by Amanda Tero

Hello everyone! Today, Amanda Tero is going to tell us the writing process she used to write The Secret Slipper.

Writing Two POVs – About the Process for “The Secret Slipper”


I’m curious about almost anything. So when it comes to writing snippets for “about the process” of my stories, I always go through a plethora of random ideas before I settle on one. And sometimes, I wonder if the one idea I pick is really that scarce or if I just didn’t really read any articles of anyone else on it (I am the world’s worst at figuring things out on my own instead of reading directions…). 


For instance, writing in two POVs (Point of View). I have stumbled across articles on plotlines, on character development, word usage, research tips, etc. But when it came to reaching beyond my comfort zone of one POV, it was a full-blown experimental process for me.


I didn’t have a problem with that. But it definitely was one of the new “about the processes” of writing that I hadn’t experienced before. Because writing two POVs is drastically different than one. I don’t know how everyone else does it, but here’s kind of what I did (and why I did it)


I had a reason

I began writing from Lia’s POV only, but the more I thought on the story, I realized how much richer it would be if the reader saw Lord Kiralyn’s search for her rather than have her father conveniently show up when she most needed him. It also pulled the story along—because, as a reader, there is nothing more fun than to know what is happening on one side while this other character is clueless.


In addition to sharing both Lia’s and Lord Kiralyn’s POVs, the prologue is from Bioti’s POV—the only time you hear her side of the story. This portion of the story could have only been told by Bioti, so it fit. There was a reason.


I had structure

Different stories call for different POV structures. For example, in “The Secret Slipper,” I did even distribution: one chapter Liathen one chapter Lord Kiralyn, for the entire book. In “Protecting the Poor,” the story is more Dumphey-heavy where I have two or three of his chapters before featuring one of Noel’s. There were a couple of times in “The Secret Slipper” when I considered changing my structure, but in the end, it worked out to have the flow go evenly (and am I the only one who can’t break from a pattern one I establish it??).


I wrote what I was intrigued with

I’m not saying that I’m a “write only when the idea’s hot” type of gal—there have been many thousands of words I’ve written because they needed to be written but I didn’t feel like writing—but, if I lost interest in one story or wasn’t sure where to go, writing two POVs enabled me to jump to the other storyline. This worked out really well for me. A brick wall in one storylinedidn’t mean my progress stopped.


I played some

I’ll admit, one of my favorite scenes to write was when the two met without knowing in chapters six and seven (oops, spoiler alert…). Ah, all the author-thrills here of knowing some readers will scream at the characters for their ignorance. But it truly is fun to write the same situation and catch more than one person’s reaction to it.


I edited one POV at a time

When it got to editing, I realized that I needed to approach things slightly differently than normal. To make sure each storyline flowed smoothly, I read only Lia’s storyline then onlyLord Kiralyn’s storyline. It helped me with character consistency as well as fluidity in story.


I decided I liked it

Yeah… so much so that when it came to “Protecting the Poor” there was no question about it: Noel needed a story to go alongside Dumphey’s. And I’ll probably do it again. And again.Not every story calls for multiple POVs, but when it does, I’ll be a happy camper, because I enjoy this process of writing.



Do you like reading books with more than one POV? Have you ever written with more than one POV? Which do you like to write better?


Thank you so much Amanda! If you want to learn more about her book, The Secret Slipper, read on to get an overview on the blurb :

Posted in Author Interview, Writing

Keen Blog Tour- Author Q&A

Hello everyone!

I’m so excited to have Laura L Zimmerman over for an interview as we celebrate the release of her book Keen.

1. When did you start writing with the hope of becoming an author?

I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t telling stories. One of my earliest memories is when I used my Fashion Plates to create characters in my book, “The Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.” (Yes. That was the official title!) I didn’t actually take my writing seriously, however, until about 6 years ago. I’d written a number of manuscripts (or had detailed outlines for many more) but never made an attempt to get anything published. My husband challenged me to begin researching what the process would be to finally share one of my stories with the world.
2. What is Keen about?
KEEN is a contemporary fantasy about Caoine, a teen girl who was born a half-faerie–specifically a banshee. The only person in her life who knows her secret is her father who has helped her stay safe each night when she roams the streets and releases her banshee song. After arriving in a new town and at a new school, Caoine finds her “banshee curse” acting strangely and soon learns a faerie known only as the Unseelie Prince wants to use her gift for his own dark plans.
3. What inspired Keen?
The idea of the banshee was inspired by a TV show on the CW that featured a teenage banshee, that I saw a couple years ago. But Caoine’s character was actually inspired by my own daughter. I tried to imagine what it would be like for a teenager to be burdened with such a task her entire life. I felt that she would be emotionally complex and wanted to use a real life inspiration to get the character right.
4. Who is the book for?
Good question!! Ultimately, all my books are for God. I truly believe my inspiration and words come from Him. I would not be able to do what I do without the creativity of my Father. Beyond that, I wrote the book that I would enjoy reading. I try not to write to a particular person or to please a specific audience.
5. What do you want readers to gain from your book?
I hope readers can see that we all struggle with identity. No matter our age, we all want to belong and have a purpose for what we do. There will be times in our life when we know “who” we are more than others, and that’s okay. It’s in the journey that we grow and truly become who we are. There’s also a theme of dark and light reflected throughout the book. I feel like teenagers–and let’s be honest, even adults!–sometimes see things in only black and white, as if we can only be good or bad. But being a light in this world is a daily choice we can choose to make. And having a bad day doesn’t make us “dark.” Tomorrow is a new day and we can choose to make it a good one!
6. Have you written any other books and where can we get them?
I’ve written a number of other books but none of them are published just yet. Hopefully a few more will be on the shelves in the near future!
7. What kind of books do you enjoy reading?
My favorite books to read are young adult novels, which is why I enjoy writing those novels, too. I really enjoy fantasy and sci-fi, but I enjoy reading historical fiction, too.
8. What Christian fantasy books would you recommend to new contemporary writers?
I would urge you to check out the Realm Makers online bookstore! They carry a wide variety of fantasy and sci-fi fiction by fellow Christian authors! Some that I will recommend are The Out of Time series by Nadine Brandes, Life After series by Julie Hall, The Songkeeper Chronicles by Gillian Bronte Adams, Children of the Blood Moon series by S.D. Grimm, The Firebrand Chronicles by J.M. Hackman, all the titles from L2L2 Publishing and Enclave publishing, Unblemished series by Sara Ella…I could go on and on. Definitely check out the Realm Makers tribe–we are a group of fantasy and sci-fi writers and there are a ton of fantastic books among us!
9. Where can we connect with you?
I love to connect with people!! Find me on Instagram @lauralzimmauthor, Twitter @lauralzimm, my website Caffeinated Fiction at lauralzimmerman dot com, and on Facebook under Laura L Zimmerman. My favorite things to talk about are books, writing, coffee and cats!
10. What tips you have for young aspiring writers?
Never give up. Don’t allow rejections or negative feedback from others get you down. Choose to write for you (and for God) and you will never be disappointed with what you’ve written. When you don’t rely on the praise or approval of others, it’s easier to look past the negative and get back to doing what you love most in this world–writing.
Thank you for having me on your blog! I had a blast getting to share a little bit of KEEN with your readers!
Thank you so much for the interview, Laura! If you want to learn more about Keen and Laura, then keep on reading 💖
You must walk the darkness to find the light.
Half-faerie Caoine has no control over the banshee lament she sings each night, predicting the death of others. A senior in a brand new high school, she expects the same response she’s received at every other school: judgment from fellow students over her unusual eyes and unnaturally white skin and hair. However, when Caoine arrives at West Lincoln High, for the first time in her life she finds friends. Real friends.
But being a teenager is never easy, especially when the star soccer player, Oliver, sets his sights on her. Allowing him to get close means revealing her curse to the human world. She can’t let that happen. Life spins further out of control when her lament comes out during the day, those whose death she predicts die right in front of her, and a dark faerie known only as the Unseelie prince blames Caoine by leaving her the creepiest notes ever. Her curse is not supposed to work like that.
In a race against time, Caoine must uncover the Unseelie prince’s identity and stop a spell before it unleashes hell on earth, all while trying to control her banshee song and finding a place among her peers .
Senior year just got real.

Laura L. Zimmerman lives in a suburb of Charlotte, North Carolina with her husband, three daughters, and three furbaby felines. Besides writing, she’s passionate about loving Jesus, anything Star Wars, and singing loudly. She takes her coffee black and spends her days pretending to do yoga. This is her debut novel. Find out more about her at

Posted in Author Interview, Author Spotlight, Writing, Writing Wednesday

Tales of Faith- Befriending the Beast Q&A

Hello everyone!

This summer, I’m happy to have Amanda Tero over 3 times in celebration of 3 books from her Tales of Faith series.

Today, I’m interviewing her about Befriending the Beast.

When did you start writing with the hope of becoming an author? 

I have loved writing since I was at least eight years old. As a preteen, I definitely had those daydreams about becoming a published author. I didn’t do much writing in my upper teens, and in my early twenties, it was almost like I “accidentally” fell into publishing (God totally dropped it in my lap). I had written a few short stories for my sisters for Christmas (“Letters from a Scatter-Brained Sister,” “Maggie’s Hope Chest” and “Noelle’s Gift”). I was actually setting up for my music at a homeschoolconvention and Mom suggested I print off some copies to try to sell there. From then, I looked in Amazon Kindle publishing, and “the rest is history.”


What is Befriending the Beast about? 

“Befriending the Beast” is about a girl whose father turned bitter and harsh after his wife passed away. She has recently come to know Jesus Christ as her Savior and God has been working in her heart to feel compassion and love toward her estranged father. The book starts when she has decided to return to her father without his knowledge. Here is the official blurb:



What inspired Befriending the Beast? 

It was actually just a simple question: “What if the Beast was Belle’s father?” I wrote a full post about it on my blog.


Who is the book for? 

The book is suitable for all readers, but especially appeals to preteen and tween girls.


. What do you want readers to gain from your book? 

The message of the book is follow God despite the circumstances and to be patient for Him to work. I definitely want readers to come away with renewed trust in God and His timing.


Have you written any other books and where can we get them? 

I have written several short stories and three novellas. They are all available on Amazon.


What kind of books do you enjoy reading? 

I enjoy reading nonfictional inspirational and historical books and fictional inspirational books (my preference is historical fiction, but I have been enjoying some contemporary fiction works lately).


What Christian contemporary books would you recommend to new contemporary writers? 

As for books on writing, I like books by K.M. Weiland and then The Art and Craft of Christian Fiction Writing by Jeff Gerke.

As for contemporary authors I like and recommend for pleasure reading, Roseanna White is one of my favorites. I have also been enjoying books by Dee Henderson and Carrie Turanskyrecently. It is really, really difficult for me to pick just a few. You can see more of what I like on Goodreads.


Where can we connect with you? 

I am on several social media platforms, or you can just email me!










What tips you have for young aspiring writers

Keep Christ first. You have to be sure that He’s leading you to write and that this is the message He wants you to write. If you know you’re following God, then when things get tough (because they do in writing!), it will help you press forward. Apart from that, be sure to read—read with the intent of learning how other authors work out their plots and characters, how they include real historical elements, etc. And don’t shy away from reading nonfiction. You want to be well-balanced. Never stop learning. Take criticism with humility and see everyone’s pointers as something that will make you a better writer.  


Thank you so much for having me on your blog!

Thank you so much for being here, Amanda, and I can’t wait to celebrate the rest of the blog tour this summer!

If you want to know about the blog tour and about Amanda, keep reading 😊

In anticipation of the release of “Protecting the Poor” (book three in the Tales of Faith series), Amanda is guest posting or being featured on over a dozen blogs each month. Each post is unique to the blog—an inspirational post, an article on the writing craft, an excerpt from one of the Tales of Faith books… you’ll just have to visit each blog to see what comes up. 😉 Amanda will link to each blog on With a Joyful Noise, so check in every week and see what blogs have a special Tales of Faith feature!


About Amanda:

Amanda Tero began her love for words at a young age—reading anything she could get her hands on and penning short stories as young as age eight. Since graduation, she has honed her writing skills by dedicated practice and study of the writing craft. She began her journey of publication with a few short stories that she had written for her sisters and continued to add to her collection with other short stories, novellas, and novels. It is her utmost desire to write that which not only pleases her Lord and Savior, but also draws the reader into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.

Posted in Writing, Writing Wednesday

The Art of Editor Matchmaking: Guest post by Michaela Bush

(Note: This was supposed be published on June 5th, but for various reasons, I wasn’t able to post🤭)

Hello everyone!

Today, I’m really excited because Michaela Bush has launched a new business that helps authors whether they’re a beginner or experienced. And as part of celebrating the biz launch, Michaela is giving us some of her tips on finding a good editor.

The day has come: your draft is written, you have a sweet cover, and the finish line is almost in view — but now you have to make a pretty big choice.  Finding the perfect editor for your book is crucial, but it doesn’t have to be a hard or drawn-out process. Here are some tips to make sure you find the best editor for your book!

  1. Search for editors that edit in your genre.  

Check out Twitter, Facebook groups, Instagram, LinkedIn, Goodreads, or even your friend’s favorite blog for editors who offer their services.  You might notice that some editors look for specific things or have a set of requirements for manuscripts that are sent in, so take note if they have preferences concerning genres or book styles.  I have even noticed editors who prefer certain character archetypes or storylines, so make sure that your book is the right fit for the editor’s requirements before you contact the editor. The editor, of course, may or may not accept your request to work on the book – but you can cut down the time spent emailing editors by double-checking their requirements first! If an editor doesn’t have any specific genres listed on their website, all you can do is send them an email and see if they’re interested in editing your work.

  1. Join writing groups on Facebook to see if you can connect with a trustworthy editor.

If you’re involved in groups that are filled with authors who write in your genre, it’s likely that you can ask for recommendations for good editors.  You might even connect with editors in the group who will gladly offer their services when the time comes. Some groups may also have specific days where editors and other author-services businesses can advertise their services!  Besides, you’ll find a lot of great writing pals this way — win-win!

  1. See if the editor offers a free sample edit.

Give special notice of editors who offer sample edits!  With an offer like that, you’ll be able to take a look at how the editor will improve your work.  Sample edits usually don’t cost anything, but they’re extremely valuable because you’ll see how well the editor works with you, as well as how well you work with the editor.  This is a very important relationship, as you’ll be working closely with this individual as they polish your manuscript.  It’simportant that you are able to get along well with the editor, and vice-versa. Not to mention, if the editor doesn’t seem to put a lot of effort into the sample edit or doesn’t work on areas that you’re concerned about, it ought to be apparent in the sample edit.  While you will ultimately have the final say concerning how your final manuscript will be changed before publication, you want to make sure that the time spent with the editor is time well spent!  If you take advantage of the sample edit and have any concerns whatsoever about working with the editor, make sure to voice your concerns before you sign a contract.  You aren’t obligated to use their services just because you utilized their sample edit – and actually, that’s why samples are offered: so the editor and author can essentially do a “test drive.”  

  1. See if the editor has any testimonials.

This allows you to see who has been satisfied with their work – which in turn may allow you to see what kind of books the editor works best with!  If they don’t have testimonials listed on their website, you may consider asking the editor what books they have worked on or if they have any testimonials that just aren’t posted on their website.  This helps you weed out anyone who may be scammy – scammers won’t have legitimate glowing reviews!

If you’re still unable to find a good editor, you can resort to the good ole Google search.  You can especially find editors if you search for ones within your genre, or perhaps editors who work with independent authors.  You’ll still want to follow the above tips, though, to ensure that you’re hiring an editor that will work well with your manuscript. However, this may bring up a lot of scammy businesses: if they charge a consulting fee or request the entire manuscript up front just to ask them about their services before the project is accepted and contracted…flee immediately.  Or close the tab on your computer – you know what I mean.  Basically, you shouldn’t have to pay submission fees or send your entire manuscript when you are sending an initial email to an editor or company.  

You always want to make sure that the editor you’re hiring will be a good fit for your book.  If they refuse your book for any reason, don’t get upset. Maybe the editor realized that their talents weren’t a good match with your talents.  

Before hiring an editor, you’ll also want to double-check their contractual requirements: what is their turnaround time?  Do they have any content limitations or require a percentage of the fee up-front? Once you have that information, you’ll be good to go!   

Essentially, it’s good to follow common sense when you’re hiring anyone, especially an editor.  Making sure that you’ll be able to work well with the editor, that the editor works well with your manuscript, and that the editor is legitimate and trustworthy.  If you find that perfect editor, you’ll be likely to have a great professional contact for future manuscripts as well!

Thank you so much Michaela for sharing with us some of your wisdom!

If you want to learn more about Tangled Up in Writing services and about Michaela herself, simply keep reading 💖

Professional author services now available for an affordable price!  

Michaela Bush is now offering affordable and professional author services!  She has a brand-new B.A. in English, as well as a passion for helping current and aspiring authors achieve their publishing goals.  She offers editing, proofreading, consultations, and more

Michaela Bush is a Christian author, freelance editor, and entrepreneur.  She graduated in 2019 from Clarion University in Pennsylvania and holds a B.A. in English with a minor in Psychology.  When she’s not spinning together her next story or working, she enjoys spending time with her family or horseback riding.  She is also a crazy cat lady.

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